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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Not me
Hmm...I was wondering whether i should delete my previous post "FiRst SoNg" written on 23rd Oct,2006 and "As a matter if fact...." on 3rd Nov,2006. But then again...i think better not. Cos i just want to let it sit there and remind me of the person who blog on behalf of me. Yup. I did not write those 2 blog and post it. I want to thank that person for understanding what i was thinking at that moment and blog my mind...ThAnkYoU. Seriously...thx..
Friday, November 03, 2006
As a matter of fact, I'm leaving on the 18th. I'm so happie!
Monday, October 23, 2006
First Song

Thank you for tuning in to delsu.blogspot.com. A very warm welcome to those who have just joined us. How's your day? Good I suppose? Well...mine's not that interesting. Well enough of my personal life. Let's get on with our first song for this evening.

February was the month my life started to turn to hell.

October is the month my life as hell stops.

The reason I'm here; HIM.

The reason I leave; HIM.

Every month, he has to hurt me;He has to do things behind my back.

Every month, I was in sorrow.But not anymore.

I'm happy; I should be very happy;

I'm leaving; I'm going home.

Life here has been hard because he made it so;

I loved him with everything that I have;

He loved me back a little; maybe even none.

He kept cheating on me;

Making empty promises;

Now the words "I'm sorry" is numb to me;

Enough the tears of sorrow I've shed;

I now shed tears of joy; joy of leaving.

Joy of leaving this stupid place;I hate this place;

If it wasn't for him; I wouldn't even come to this pathetic place.

All these years of loving him;

All these years of hurting me;

I've had enough. I could not bring myself to love him anymore.

He's just one God damn Son of a Bitch.

He's just a bastard.

A piece of advice, Don't go near HIM. Don't get close to HIM;

Don't even love HIM.

He's nothing but pain.

He's just as useless;

All that he knows is to hurt others.

The reason I'm here; HIM.

The reason I leave; HIM

February was the month my life started to turn to hell.

October is the month my life as hell stops.

I hate him....Whatever he does or say now, won't change my mind. It's set. I'm gone........The pain is so great, I can't even imagine...all that's left, is hurt.

So how was that song for a first this evening? Great? I'd say so. Ok. We hope for you to join us again tomorrow evening; same time; same channel. Goodbye....

Sunday, October 22, 2006
After 10months and 22days
Today is 23rd OCtober, 2006 at 3:44am - Townsville time. It is exactly 10 months and 22days since i last blog. I guess all of my friends who read my blog knows that i am currently in Australia. To be exact Townsville - Capital of Queensland. It's a boring place. It's small. Worst then Kuching. Hot. Even during winter. This is the worst place i have ever been. Why? Many of my friends and relatives asked why? Why Townsville of all places? Why? Few of my close friends would know the reason why and of course my family. Him. Yes. It's because of HIM. You know who i am referring to don't you guys? According to HIM, the reason that i follow him here is cos of my education. No doubts. Education. But if it's just education, can't i just get it anywhere? Of course.

Let me get things right. I had no $$. No $$ to further my education cos my family is BROKE. Hmm....in a way that they can afford anything they want but just their children's education. And sad enough, i am one of my parents children. So... the story starts from here. I am not gona start telling you all the story now but i will. It's already 4.15am. But i can't sleep. Wana know why? Will tell you when i have my next post up.....soon...

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Dragon Boat Competition

( Me & my bro =P )

Today is Dragon Boat Competition at Boat Quay/Clark Quay.....

It's his first Dragon Boat competition.

So i am there to give him my full support.

Hehehehe....SMILE =)

Calling Event 37 which is my bro's group.

Getting ready to board the boat.

Rowing to the starting point under the bridge.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the bridge,
Merrily merrily merrily merrily,
Life is just a dream.

These guys have really strong arms.

It ain't easy at all.

Every strokes and movements requires teamwork and lotsa strength.

*Cheer* Lane 5 Lane 5 Lane 5.......

Ooppsss....Lane 5 Lose...

My bro's team lose.... =(

Well...it's their 1st experience...

So it's alright....

They are aiming for next year's Dragon Boat Regata 2006
Friday, November 25, 2005
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.

Annoying pest!!!!!

I am going crazy

I am going crazy. I am going crazy. I am going crazy.
I am going crazy. I am going crazy. I am going crazy.
I am going crazy. I am going crazy. I am going crazy.
I am going crazy. I am going crazy. I am going crazy.
I am going crazy. I am going crazy. I am going crazy.

Thursday, November 24, 2005
Blue Diary
Nothing can make me feel better then writting down all my thoughts and feelings on a paper diary when i am alone.
My blue diary is suppose to consist of thoughts which inspires me. But it turn out to be thoughts which provokes my deepest emotion and let my tears flow.
I seek my diary for comfort once in a blue moon.
When i can't pour out my feelings to anyone.
It is my blue diary i turn to.
My Dear diary................
adopt your own virtual pet!